Policy Commitments

Community First  |  Building Bridges and Inspire Swindon Programmes

Community First - Building Bridges and Inspire Swindon programmes logo

01380 732821


Building Bridges and Inspire Swindon Programme Banner Image 2


People can refer themselves to the programme or make a referral on behalf of someone else they are supporting (with their permission).

All participants on our programmes must have the legal right to work in the UK and be resident in Swindon or Wiltshire. Our employability programmes can support people who are:

Economically inactive

Unemployed (but not on DWP employability programmes)

Employed but facing barriers to sustaining employment

On probation

Registered refugees

Please note that for young people under 18, we need the permission of their parent, carer or guardian in order to accept the referral.

For programmes that support young people under 18, participants need to be Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET), at risk of becoming NEET or be engaging with the Youth Justice Service.

Unfortunately, we cannot support asylum seekers or people who are remanded in custody or in prison.

Referral Updates

Referrals for the Building Bridges Programme in Wiltshire and the Building Bridges Programme in Swindon are temporarily paused. Referrals for Inspire Swindon are currently closed.

Online Referral Form

Please complete the form below to make a referral for yourself or someone else (with their permission).

Referral Form
Are you completing this form for someone else?
Do you have permission to refer this person to the programme?
Should we contact you before we make contact with the person you are referring?

Information about the person being referred (or self-referral) 

Do you/they have the legal right to work in the UK?

Additional information required for young people aged under 18

Please note we cannot progress a referral for anyone aged under 18 without the following section being completed in full.

Parent, carer or guardian’s pronoun
Has the parent, carer or guardian given consent for this referral to take place:
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