Success Stories
Names and some identifying details have been changed
I never felt judged or rushed, but she encouraged me to challenge my own comfort zones, to accept and overcome my anxieties and achieve more than I ever thought possible or that I was capable of.
Alex’s feedback on support received through the programme and from his Building Bridges Support Worker.
Alex* was at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) and heard about Building Bridges through a local school. The school suggested that the programme may be able to offer support for Alex and his mother completed an online referral.
When Alex joined the programme in 2023, he was socially isolated and was being home-schooled. Alex said he was unsure about his future and wanted an opportunity to meet people and make friends. Alex also struggled with anxiety which made it difficult for him to attend school or leave the house.
Working alongside a Building Bridges Support Worker, Alex was able to progress to meeting in public places, became more confident and created a CV. He also received support with job searching and interview role-play.
After 4 months on the Building Bridges Programme, Alex had a college interview and began attending college. Alex also searched for a part-time job, by applying for jobs online and completing a speculative application by handing in his CV and covering letter in person to a local business. After completing a trial shift, Alex has since been successful in securing a part-time job.
*Not his real name
“We have been astonished by the changes we have seen in Alex since he started working with Building Bridges. Originally, he would rarely leave the house and even when he did, he would often not get out of the car. Now, he will go to shops to buy his own food, go out with his friends into town and go to college on his own. He is much more talkative now and just generally seems happier.”
Feedback from Alex’s family
The way you worked with Luke to get him talking and engaging with you was amazing, I really don’t know what he would be doing now without you. Nothing was too much trouble for you.
Feedback from Luke’s family about the support received through the programme and from his Building Bridges Support Worker.
Luke* was at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) and joined the Building Bridges Programme in 2023.
On joining the programme, Luke had completed a college course but did not enjoy the course and was unsure of what to do next. Luke struggled with low self-confidence and was undecided about whether to continue his studies or look for employment or apprenticeship opportunities.
Luke met with his Building Bridges Support Worker every 2 weeks and together they worked on activities to boost his confidence and self-awareness, by helping him identify his strengths, personal character traits and qualities. Luke was also supported to create an Employability Toolkit including a CV and covering letter, as well as attending a Career Advice session at a local college.
Luke is now studying a college course and is enjoying his studies so far, completing all of his college assignments. Luke’s Building Bridges Support Worker also helped him access a grant from Wiltshire Community Foundation to purchase a laptop for his studies.
Luke is taking each day as it comes and says Building Bridges helped him to improve his confidence, resilience and motivation. He knows who he can speak to for support when needed.
*Not his real name